




Merry Christmas

The New York "Good" Times


- Switzerland is Still Neutral -
- Victoria Secret Still Puts Out a Catalog -
- No Civil War in Canada -
- Free Speech Rocks My Socks Off! -
- Diversity Ends Boredom for All -

Tomorrow's Headlines (Optimisically)

- Tom Cruise Becomes Inaudible -
- Celery, Grapefruit, and Donuts: How they burn calories -
- Al Gore's Nobel Revoked (Miscount due to hanging chads) -
- Carrot Top and Prop Comedy Outlawed in US -
- Tic Tac's Replace the Euro -

I suppose we can all dream. It would, however, like to be able to read an entire newspaper without suddenly falling into a deep depression. I feel like (or at least hope) that the negativity in the news isn't proportional to that of reality.


Is Photography Dead?

"Film photography's artistic cachet was always that no matter how much darkroom fiddling someone added to a photograph, the picture was, at its core, a record of something real that occurred in front of the camera."

Newsweek Article (12/10/2007)


Gimp.org has free photo editing software that is quite excellent. If you're looking for an alternative to Photoshop because you don't want to shell out the cash, GIMP is definitely a good way to go. It seems to have all of the primary functions and it even opens .psd files. You should check it out.


Wintry Mix


Richard Prince

This is pretty ridiculous. Richard Prince takes pictures of other people's pictures, enlarges them, and then sells them for absurd amounts of money. Why would you pay over $1 million for an unoriginal work? If you just don't know it's unoriginal, wouldn't you think you'd do some research before you spent that much money? I don't get this. How can this be legal?


Two Beatles' songs keep running through my head, "Let it Be" and "With a Little Help From My Friends."


School is killing me.

Every time I'm driving around 5 or 5:30 in the morning, I wonder if the cars I pass are going home or leaving home. Today I was one of the ones leaving home.