
What have I done lately?

Check out Joey Lawrence's website, and then consider that he's only 18. And you'll be asking yourself the same question.

Here's an interview with this kid on Strobist from last October, when he was only 17 and already extremely successful.



Anonymous said...

psst hey. (i stalk your blog, but i'm usually too lazy to comment.)

i actually read an article about this kid a few weeks ago because he shot the poster for a movie i was reading articles about.

Zach B said...

I'm glad you stalk my blog, Zan :)

What movie? I'm curious.

Anonymous said...


have you heard of those books? the insanely popular young adult romance novels about the love between a girl and a vampire? because even though they are ridiculous, they're so bad they're good and i definitely read all four books. hahahaha. the movie version of the first, twilight, is out in november. andi'msoexcited.

Zach B said...

I haven't actually heard of them, which is suprising because young adult romance novels usually are my favorite. I kid, but I will definitely have to check out the movie poster.